The Defense Intelligence Agency experts contradicted a document released May 28 by the DIA and the Central Intelligence Agency, saying that the trailers were used to produce biological weapons.
Instead, the defense analysts consulted by the Times agreed with US State Department intelligence, which said in June that the trailers were not part of a weapons system.
"The team has decided that, in their minds, there could be another use for inefficient hydrogen production, most likely for balloons," a Defense Department official told the Times on condition of anonymity.
US President George W. Bush justified the military invasion of Iraq based on claims the country had such weapons. However, none has been found in the 100 days since the war ended, casting doubt on the credibility of Bush and of his main ally, British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
The Times did not report on any formal conclusion published by the analysts. Rather, the New York daily said that the opinion was shared by the "majority" of analysts at the DIA.
Despite the apparent division, the White House, the CIA and the Pentagon have stuck with their claim, the Times said.