The network reported that Abizaid asked military leaders to supply plans for consideration within the next 48 hours.
The Pentagon and Central Command denied that Abizaid had specifically requested more troops after the weekend's heightened violence, mainly from militias linked to wanted Shiite Muslim leader Moqtada Sadr, saying supply of US troops in Iraq was regularly reviewed.
"Commanders constantly assess the situation on the ground and they adjust their forces accordingly," said Pentagon spokesman Lieutenant Colonel James Cassella.
"We've always said that commanders will have the troops that they need to accomplish the mission, but as far as any specific request" none has yet been made by General Abizaid, he said.
At Centcom headquarters in Tampa, Florida, a spokesman, Captain Bruce Frame gave similar comment. "General Abizaid is in constant communication with his commanders who are foredeployed," Frame said.
Abizaid "continually assesses the situation, the personnel strength, numbers, the equipment that's in theater, and the commanders there continually assess whether they need to make any adjustments," he said.
"Their communication is not based on any specific incident or any specific event," Frame said.
Since May 1 2003, when the United States declared major combat operations over, the Pentagon has repeatedly said there are enough US troops in Iraq to ensure the nation is stabilized.
A revolt by the Shiite militias has been long dreaded by the United States, and the weekend's violence has apparently revived concerns of US military bosses.