UN council hails Libyan vow on weapons
The UN Security Council on Thursday hailed Libya's pledge not to seek weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and said it should ensure that commitment is verified by the international community.

"The Security Council welcomes the decision ... to abandon its programmes for developing weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery and the positive steps taken to fulfil its commitments and obligations," it said.

Tripoli announced in December it would abandon biological, chemical and nuclear weapons programmes as it seeks to repair its image on the international stage.

"The Security Council reaffirms the need to seek to resolve proliferation problems by peaceful means through political and diplomatic channels," it said in a statement before a day-long meeting on fighting the spread of WMD.

It said it hoped Libya's moves would "facilitate and improve international cooperation with and enhance the security of that country" and urged "the verified elimination of all of its weapons of mass destruction programmes."