Sustainment and maintenance services for worldwide operations to reduce the threat of weapons of mass destruction will continue to be provided by SAIC.
Science Applications International Corporation, which has been providing such services to the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency, said the new contract it has received is a single-award, cost-plus-fixed fee task order with a value of about $13 million. Its performance period is one year with an additional one-year option.
"SAIC's long-standing support to DTRA and DOD programs has allowed us to expand our efforts worldwide to support their CTR (Cooperative Threat Reduction) mission," said Mark Escobar, SAIC senior vice president and general manager of the DOD Agencies and Commands Customer Group. "This is a critical international mission that we are proud to be a part of alongside DTRA's team."
SAIC said it will provide sustainment support to CTR funded programs, including material acquisition, receipt, storage, movement, distribution, maintenance, evacuation, and disposition.
Types of materials to be purchased must support CTR mission objectives and can range from equipment, re-agents, supplies and consumables to transportation vehicles. The company also will perform maintenance support. That support will include facilities and infrastructure maintenance, operation and disposition, and infrastructure repairs.