
US-Afghanistan open talks on post-2014 military aid
The United States and Afghanistan launched crucial talks Thursday on the status of US forces remaining in Afghanistan after the NATO withdrawal of combat troops in 2014. ... more
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In Gaza, quiet pierced by air strikes, ambulance sirens
The usual cacophony of Gaza's streets has been replaced by an eery quiet, broken only by the whoosh of rockets, the crash of air strikes and screeching ambulances taking the wounded to hospital. ... more
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Stone-tipped weapons older than thought
Researchers say our human ancestors were making stone-tipped weapons in southern Africa 500,000 years ago, 200,000 years earlier than previously thought. ... more
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Japan chooses SAIC for mine countermeasure
Japan's maritime military has awarded Science Applications International Corp. a contract to provide software and ancillaries for its MCH-101 helicopter Airborne Mine Countermeasures project. ... more