Ukroboronprom announces new aircraft corporation
Ukroboronprom announced Friday the creation of the Ukrainian Aircraft Corp., a consolidation the company says is the first example of reform in Ukraine's defense industry. ... more
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Iraq's Sadr warns of 'million-man' demo after Ramadan pause
Powerful Iraqi cleric Moqtada al-Sadr on Saturday called a halt to anti-government protests during Ramadan but warned that a "million-man" demonstration would be held after the Muslim holy month has ended. ... more
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FARMing with Data OpenET Introduces FARMS Tool to Aid Water Management
Heat from the Sun Linked to Seismic Activity on Earth
Orange Africa and Eutelsat Partner to Expand Satellite Internet in Africa and the Middle East
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UN mulls Mali mission as body count mounts
As the United Nations looks to extend its most deadly active mission for peacekeepers for another year, those working closely with its venture in Mali say poor local collaboration and funding gaps are costing lives. ... more

First AH-64 Apache Guardian arrives in South Korea for army
The first of 30 Boeing AH-64E Apache Guardian attack helicopters have arrived in South Korea for delivery to the South Korean Army. ... more
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GAO: Don't fund Navy's LCS in 2017 defense budget
Congress should consider not funding any Fiscal 2017 Littoral Combat Ships while ensuring the Navy has an acquisition strategy for the replacement frigate program, a Government Accountability Office report on the programs' "fundamental weaknesses" recommended.. ... more

France grants active duty status to FREMM frigate
The second FREMM frigate of the French Navy has been given active duty status, the French Navy reports. ... more
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S. Korea launch military patrol against Chinese fishing boats
South Korea launched an operation Friday to drive out illegal Chinese fishing boats from neutral waters close to the disputed sea border with the North, in a move that could further escalate cross-border tensions. ... more