The T2 Tracking Layer aims to enhance global capabilities for continuous missile warning, detection, tracking, and identification, covering both conventional and advanced missile threats such as Hypersonic Glide Vehicles. Additionally, it will introduce an initial missile defense capability by integrating fire control-quality sensors within the satellite constellation.
As part of the PWSA, Lockheed Martin will deliver 16 space vehicles equipped with wide field of view Missile Warning/Missile Tracking (MW/MT) infrared sensors and two space vehicles featuring Fire Control/Missile Defense (FC/MD) infrared sensors capable of generating fire control-quality tracking data.
Under a contract awarded in January 2024, Lockheed Martin has successfully completed the Preliminary Design Review for the T2 Tracking Layer and is on track for a Critical Design Review slated for mid-2025.
The 16 MW/MT and two FC/MD T2 Tracking space vehicles will be built, integrated, and tested at Lockheed Martin's small satellite processing facility in Colorado, which has the capacity to produce up to 180 small satellites annually.
Each T2 Tracking Layer satellite will utilize a Terran Orbital bus and infrared missile tracking payloads provided by General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems. Additionally, they will feature SmartSat, Lockheed Martin's software platform designed to facilitate rapid mission adaptation in orbit via simple application uploads.
"Lockheed Martin is proud to be part of the realization of the PWSA. The rapidly evolving threat landscape warrants a rapidly fielded and resilient solution to Missile Warning/Missile Defense needs," stated Jason Boitnott, Program Director for Lockheed Martin Space's Tranche 2 Tracking Layer program.
"Through our prior investments and experience with the PWSA, Lockheed Martin has established the critical infrastructure and extensive body of knowledge that is essential to spiral development and executing on schedule. We look forward to Critical Design Review in mid-2025 and the subsequent fielding of this essential capability."
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